Our carnival event took place around a week before Weiberfastnacht. Due to the current situation, we met up in front of our screens again this time. It was so nice to finally see all the faces again and catch up.
We started with the surprise bags packed by Susanne. But what was inside? Two white masks, colorful feathers, lots of glitter stones, 2 glitter pens, confetti and camels in the form of candy canes, drops and chewy sweets. Everyone quickly realized that we were going to make carnival masks!
Accompanied by carnival music, we eagerly got to work: some first painted the whole mask with glitter pens and then decorated it with colorful glitter stones and feathers. Others went straight for the glitter stones and feathers and stuck them on for all they were worth.
What fun we all had! After about an hour, we admired each other’s finished works of art.
Helau and Alaaf!