Do you know which data you can use to find out exactly what motivates your customers and users? Why they perform certain actions on your website, buy your products or prefer to switch to the competition? Many companies have valuable data treasures at their disposal. However, we often find that these treasures are not used optimally. It is not enough to collect data from various sources. Only through well thought-out analyses and visualizations based on them can this data be brought to life and serve as the basis for data-driven decisions. Microsoft’s powerful Power BI tool enables organizations to transform complex data into meaningful insights that can drive growth and efficiency. As a consulting company with a focus on data, we use Power BI for many of our clients and have extensive expertise and years of know-how in data visualization for various industries. Our services range from consulting on the basic use of Power BI and individual licensing models to the implementation of Power BI or the creation of customized dashboards and reports. In addition, we offer dedicated Power BI training courses as part of our HMA Academy to help you realize the full potential of the software.
Hopmann Marketing Analytics has always stood for high-quality analysis, evaluation and visualization of marketing and sales data. The experts in our data visualization team have many years of experience in working with Power BI and have in-depth knowledge of how you can interpret your data at a glance and in a way that is easy to understand. Don’t shy away from large, confusing amounts of data any longer. Work with us to break down data silos and make data-driven decisions with user-friendly visualization programs like Power BI! Contact us today to discuss your requirements and find out how we can support you.
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